“Not every song should be heard but every song should be written”
Art can be ugly
Art should be useless
Well, that’s what I think, at least. Let me explain:
We live in a meritocracy - therefore if we are not born super artistic, we are told not to pursue it and focus on practical things, focus on making money.
Art doesn’t create muscles, it doesn’t make us smarter, it doesn’t make us more beautiful. I disagree.
I think we should be creative without the pressure of success!
We are being told only to pursue our artistic dreams if we are any good at it. It has to become a career or at least a success story. Why isn’t being creative treated equal to going to the gym. Not every gym member is training for a competition but nobody would tell you that it is a waste of time. We train for our mental health, we train to have a healthy body and we train to focus on ourselves, to be in the moment - I think the same is true for art.
Creating art should be part of our daily life. Not the showcasing of our art - just the process! For the sake of our mental health, for learning how to express our emotions, for getting to know ourselves better.
I truly believe that every person needs a creative outlet to express things that words can’t express. We have to learn to listen to our emotions and trusting ourselves. I think by trusting ourselves we will become more confident in all parts of our lives.
I want to start a collective, a community of people who were always drawn and inspired by art but never felt confident enough to pursue it or were told that they are not talented enough. Because this is or was me.
I want to start creating art in this community. Explore different ways to express ourselves. And just start doing it.
I want to create a more artistic, more confident community. I want to help us to change our beliefs!
I want you to know that you are good enough!
Let’s empower each other. Let’s connect, let’s create.